always willing.

The youth pastor at my church, who is also a great friend of mine, gave me very encouraging words today:

"We aren't training high school kids and college students be leaders of this church...we're training them to be leaders."

There have been way too many things going around me. Things I find out about my close friends, recent deaths, ministries that need help, and just some things I might not even completely understand. I am surprisingly not overwhelmed by it all. I wish I could be there for everyone in an instant moment to tend to their needs....but I'm not a superhero. At a time like this I find myself asking the most generic, Christian question...What would Jesus do?

I have always loved and cared for the people I worshipped with and worked with since 2008. These people have not just been co-worshippers, co-servers, and co-leaders, but they have been loving and caring friends to me knowing that I am imperfect, I have hurt them, and I am stubborn. Leaving where I am definitely won't be hard if I am called to be somewhere else. Then won't be too easy knowing I will be criticized and judged. I already hear the bombardment of questions and discouraging comments....

I've been meaning to do some exploring. I've got this sudden desire in my heart to dive into a different place....a place where I might be of a good fit. Do I fit where I am now? I'm not saying I don't...I know that I was called to do the work of God in the place I grew up in...of course. But...I'm older now. I am capable of more things. There are friends I have in other churches (deep in ministry) who aren't as spoiled as we are. I know, most of the time, who needs help when I see it. Knowing my capabilities and desire to do work for God, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't help. It nearly saddens me to see how blessed I am to be where I am presently but seeing others in near-dire need of help and support to grow. There has been a knocking on my heart with this desire for helping everyone and this desire to be in ministry (mainly music and/or youth). I know that God can and will do amazing things through me and the ministries I'm called to and put my heart into. 

I thank God for giving me a heart that is willing to pour love, care, and generosity to my loved ones. I know that I am not capable of everything and with my imperfections I will not able to help everyone around me. However, I am always willing.

I trust that God puts desires in my heart for reasons. I trust that He has great plans for me. I trust God with complete control over my life and if it's meant to be....God will let it happen.


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