
Showing posts from 2017

cultural resilience.

My spring break journey began with my Hurricane and Rebirth class after finally landing on New Orleans grounds at 9 in the morning. The exhaustion and hunger from the early morning 4 AM flight kicked in while we exited Gate D3 and then retrieved our baggages. My stomach started to turn because I always feared that airport staff would put my belongings onto the wrong plane, but I ended up getting my big, black luggage within a few minutes and no hassle. When we exited the airport and caught our first breath of New Orleans air, we organized ourselves into random groups to catch cabs and head down to our temporary home. It was hot...the humidity overwhelmed me because I had on a black hoodie and wore a flannel over that, which weren’t enough layers to keep me warm back in New Jersey. We hopped on a big white van with “Limousine Service” imprinted on the windows with a phone number. The driver, a tall black man with a heavy New Orleans accent, helped load our bags and luggage into the b...