it wasn't about that.
In high school, I can admit that I was some sort of emotional kid. A roller coaster ride wouldn't even be close to portraying the course of events that happened to me in high school. My heart was broken a few times, and I've definitely broke hearts, too. I was playing on both sides in the game of love: the heartbreaker and the heartbroken. But, this isn't going to be some sappy post about who I've lead on, what break-ups did to me, or the girls that I pursued. At the age of sixteen, I encountered one of the most difficult times of my life. I was in a relationship that I so truly adored at the time and managed to let things go downhill. Yeah...I screwed it up big time. Eventually, the whole thing became a confusing mess in that year. As the seasons changed, so did the status of our relationship. I've always hated the idea of being branded as the bad guy. I wanted to be the sweet, caring guy that a girl wished for. Back then, I was so soft and cheesy. Seeing that ...